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OMP Solutions
Our realisations

Already present in MINUSCA in support of contingents, the OMP Solutions teams provide tailor-made assistance and advice, from the development of the project, its concretization in the theatre of operation, to the continuous support of the troops deployed.


Engineering project

Crisis in a country 
A crisis situation is detected, the UN Security Council decides to launch a peacekeeping operation.

OMP SOLUTIONS assists country contributor
Design of a tailor-made action plan for peacekeeping contributor to the country.

Launching the operation
The contributing country is ready for deployment of its contingent fully equipped.


Routing and installation

Field analysis
Our experts analyse the environment to optimize the organization of camp logistics.

Products shipment
An integrated supply chain: from equipment preparation to delivery in the operation theatre.

Assistance and installation of equipment
Training and support of the staff and the equipment for a complete autonomy.


Technical operational availability and UN reimbursements

Preparation for UN inspections
On the field, the OMP solutions teams collaborate in the preparation and the conformity of the equipments.

Optimization of operational technical availability
OMP Solutions ensures the delivery of the materials according to the needs.

Compliance with the UN memorandum of understanding
Optimization of reimbursement of contingent-owned equipment.

Assistance to get started during the contingent rotation
Training of the staff and on equipment for a complete autonomy.


Training of executives in UN logistics
Our experts share their knowledge of the administrative and regulatory corpus of UN logistics, one of the objectives of which is to guarantee optimal reimbursements from the United Nations to the contributing country.

Equipment handling training before deployment
It aims to show how to use and maintain the equipment issued before its first use in the theater of operation to avoid any deterioration following poor initial implementation.

Training of trainers
A gradual transfer of know-how is put in place, ideally in a national training center dedicated to peace operations, to offer the contributing country greater autonomy in the training of its units as rotations take place.

Need more information ?
Nicolas BELIN, Sales Director / Colonel (er) Lionel PAILLOT, Export Projects Director