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Our values

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of Marck & Balsan's key daily and strategic concerns.

Based on the structural components of the ISO 26000 standard, Marck & Balsan is committed to a global Corporate Social Responsibility approach ranging from involvement in sustainable development initiatives to practical action plans related to the operational conduct of business.

Corporate social responsibility

Marck & Balsan is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and on a daily basis shares the ten universal principles organised into four key areas:

  • Human rights
  • International labour standards
  • Environment
  • Anti-corruption

Social commitment

Marck & Balsan owes its strength to its employees and the synergy of their complementary skills, allowing it to provide its customers with the best products and the best services.
  • To promote innovative professional careers enabling mobility, skill development , versatility and even career changes.
  • To implement safe and secure working conditions and support expertise development, management and individual and group progress.
  • Sustained dialogue based on close consultation with staff representatives.
  • Individuals tools: job description, yearly review professional interview every two years.
  • Internal mobility newsletter featuring available permanent positions.
  • Diversity : Marck & Balsan signed the Diversity Charter in 2021, the foundation of a socially and economically successful society. The Diversity Charter helps to develop a management respectful of human differences and based on trust.
  • Equality : The Gender Equality Index in 2024 is 88/100 for Marck & Balsan. The national average is 88/100.
  • Inclusion : To illustrate this approach, Marck & Balsan is very proud to have, once again, mobilized volunteer employees to participate in Duo Day on November 21, 2024.
    The company is also happy to have collaborated with an ESAT for the manufacture of its 100% upcycled goodies and tote bags.

Through this operation, the company wishes to reveal the professional assets and qualities of workers with disabilities, raise awareness among the teams and to affirm the company’s social values.

Community involvement

  • Payment of apprenticeship tax to the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in order to be closer to the regional economic development stakeholders.
  • Involvement in clusters of companies and local and regional authorities in order to optimise local synergies.
  • Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) of Chartre-sur-le-Loir, confirming the Group’s commitment to retain expertise and jobs in France (label awarded by the Ministry of Industry).
  • A signatory to the APEC youth membership charter promoting the professional integration of young graduates.
  • Reception of interns from the second chance school (young people who have left the education system).
  • Creation of professional training hours for public contracts.
  • Support and participation of the company in sporting and/or charity initiatives such as the Indre inter-company challenge and the Odysséa race supporting the fight against breast cancer since 2014.
  • Financial assistance for charity sporting events such as the Course du Cœur.
  • As part of its sponsorship actions, Marck & Balsan has distributes parkas and ties within the framework of its partnership with the “Ecole de Guerre”.

Our labels

Sustainable development

  • Marck & Balsan wish to collaborate with service providers and suppliers in accordance with its commitments and convictions. This is why a supplier code of conduct has been put in place. Signing this code is required as part of a business relationship.

  • To establish and maintain a lasting relationship with our suppliers, their evaluation and referencing take into account ethical, social and environmental criteria.
    The Responsible Purchasing Policy and the appointment of an internal mediator are the cornerstones of this project. Discover our purchasing policy.

  • Widespread use of the OEKO-TEX label with the company’s suppliers and partners, guaranteeing the human-ecological properties of the textiles: except products that are toxic to the body and the environment.

  • All fabric suppliers must sign a certificate guaranteeing the exclusive use of authorised colourants in accordance with the REACH regulation.

  • Priority given to suppliers that have a sustainable development approach.
  • Recycling of used textiles: this scheme starts with a fully secured collection and ends with recycling and full recovery. The entire process is transparent with total traceability.
  • LCA: The life cycle analysis of our products allows us to measure their environmental and social impacts at each stage. The objective is to carry out this assessment for each new call for tenders, to share it with our clients and to identify eco-design levers on targeted product families.

  • Marck & Balsan launched its sobriety plan 2 years ago and the objectives of Marck & Balsan are clear:
    • No longer have any diesel vehicles by 2027
    • Set the temperature in the premises at 19°C
    • Reduce its energy consumption by 40% across the entire group by 2030
  • When cutting, depending on the placement of the pieces necessary for making, 10 to 15% of the material is lost. Rather than throwing away these unused materials, Marck & Balsan collects its scraps to recycle them into blankets or insulation.
Marck & Balsan has been committed to a sustainable development policy for over 10 years!


On the one hand, this term represents a set of rules and procedures that are used to ensure compliance with the standards applicable to our companies by all employees and managers and, on the other, the values and ethics instilled by managers.

In practice, every employee must comply with the contents of the following four documents:

  • The Code of ethics and business conduct
  • Anti-corruption policy
  • Mutual conduct guide
  • Procedures

Marck & Balsan’s compliance policy is embodied by its managers and implemented on a daily basis by all management.